Привет, я Ульяна
Бла, бла, бла... какой-то позитивный абзац про себя завлекающий
Почему акварель?
We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
История любви с живописью
Я с пеленок хотела рисовать и творить
Coffeehouse and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment which primarily serves prepared coffee and other hot beverages. Café or cafe or caff may refer to a coffeehouse, bar, tea room, small and cheap restaurant, transport cafe, or other casual eating and drinking place, depending on the culture. A coffeehouse may share some of the same characteristics of a bar or restaurant, but it is different from a cafeteria.
Про обучение
This year's Architecture Expo will be held in the fabulous Hong Kong City Hall. The Expo is constantly developing and demonstrating effective cooperation between the development market and the architects. This year's record-breaking edition of the Expo will feature 230 exhibitors and 25 speakers from over 30 countries.
Про арт-туры
This year's Architecture Expo will be held in the fabulous Hong Kong City Hall. The Expo is constantly developing and demonstrating effective cooperation between the development market and the architects. This year's record-breaking edition of the Expo will feature 230 exhibitors and 25 speakers from over 30 countries.
Страшно начинать?
Рисовать акварелью может каждый, просто не все находят смелость попробовать.
Coffeehouse and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment which primarily serves prepared coffee and other hot beverages. Café or cafe or caff may refer to a coffeehouse, bar, tea room, small and cheap restaurant, transport cafe, or other casual eating and drinking place, depending on the culture. A coffeehouse may share some of the same characteristics of a bar or restaurant, but it is different from a cafeteria.
Примеры моих работ
Мои работы акварелью и не только. Подробное описание смотрите в каталоге, там же можно приобрести работы которые вам понравились.
Lucy Good
Carlos Lott
Eva Stark
Max Holden
Julia Bush
Nick Scheerbart
Хочешь научиться так же рисовать? В нашем АРТ-чате тебя ждет мотивация, полезные советы, бесплатные уроки и анонсы всех курсов и мероприятий! Давай рисовать вместе!
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